Step 5: Price and availability

In integration with Vrbo, the pricing model is selected for the whole account (not per property) and the Daily price model is the default option. This means that we will always send your daily prices to Vrbo unless you request to change it.

However, if you decide not to use Daily price model any more, you can switch to LOS pricing or FSP pricing any time. You can read how to do it here.

LOS pricing model

Vrbo supports LOS pricing. If you use LOS pricing model, it will be fully sent to Vrbo.

Note: LOS prices for more than 10 guests

If you have LOS prices for more than 10 guests, you need to be aware that Vrbo has a limitation on their side and allows only for 10 occupancy levels. It means your prices for more than 10 guests may have slight discrepancy on the Vrbo website.

  • 1 - 10 guests: All prices are sent

  • 11 - 19 guests: Initial prices are grouped together, so that we always send prices for 10 occupancy levels (for example, if you have prices for 11 guests, we will send prices for 1-2, 3, 4 ... 11 guests). For prices that are grouped together, we always take the highest.

  • more than 20: We divide the number of guests by 10 and provide Vrbo with prices for every few guests (for example, if you have prices for 34 guests, we will send prices for every three guests: 1 - 7 guests, 8 - 10, 11 - 13, 14 - 16, 17 - 19, 20 - 22, 23 - 25, 26 - 28, 29 - 31, 32 - 34. For prices that are grouped together, we always take the highest.

Vrbo supports stays up to 180 nights long. Note that the price calculation logic is different for shorter stays (up to 30 nights) and longer stays (from 30 to 180). When calculating prices for shorter stays, a full LOS pricing is used (it takes into account both the number of guests and the number of nights). For longer stays, the price calculation will disregard the number of guests in the reservation. The final price will be the same for any number of guests.

  • In case client uses the FSP pricing model, the base price will be taken from the FSP defined price.

  • In other cases the base price will be taken from Daily price in the respective season.

  • Fees and taxes will be calculated based on 1 night and 1 guest.

In this integration, it is Vrbo that performs the price calculation. In case of LOS pricing, the order of applying charges is the following: 

  1. The sum of rent and all fees and taxes that are unmapped or using calculation type different from percentage and per stay are sent to Vrbo within one node. This means the price components cannot be distinguished.

  2. Cleaning value is sent.

  3. Percentage and per stay charges are sent to the channel.

    Tip: A Per person & per stay charge is not calculated in the end, even though its name suggests it is a per stay charge.

FSP pricing model

Vrbo supports FSP pricing. If you use FSP pricing model, it will be fully sent to Vrbo.

In case client uses the FSP pricing model and does not have someprices defined, the base price will be taken from the FSP defined price.

Daily price model

In this integration, it is Vrbo that performs the price calculation. In case of Daily price model, the order of applying charges is the following: 

  1. Rent.

  2. Cleaning value is sent.

  3. Only percentage and per stay charges are sent to the channel. Note that unmapped charges and charges of different calculation type are excluded from calculation.

Daily price

Daily price is the standard way of setting prices. It indicates the base price per night for the Standard number of guests.

The Daily price value which is eventually available for the potential guest depends on the data introduced in the following fields:

  • Standard number of guests,

  • Extra guest price,

  • Weekend pricing,

  • LOS discount,

  • Last-minute discount.

Standard number of guests

Standard number of guests refers to the maximum number of guests included in the Daily price for whom the price does not change. If more guests than specified book a stay, the extra guests will be charged with the price set in the Extra guest price element.
Example: If the Daily price includes 3 standard guests, the price stays the same in the case when either one, two or three guests book a stay.

For Vrbo, Standard number of guests is used for the calculation purposes. Rentals United performs the calculation itself and only then shares the final price with Vrbo.

Extra guest price

Extra guest price is the price for guests that are not included in the Standard number of guests. In other words, if the overall number of guests exceeds the Standard number of guests, Extra guest price is applied for each guest above the specified standard.

Example: If the Daily price includes 3 standard guests and 5 guests book a stay, then Daily price is applied for 3 guests, but the 4th and 5th guest need to pay the Extra guest price.

Extra guest price is also used for the calculation purposes. Rentals United performs the calculation itself and only then shares the final price with Vrbo. If you want to set prices for different numbers of Extra Guests, please see Occupancy pricing.

Minimum stay

Minimum stay indicates the minimum number of days a reservation can be made for. Guests will be not be able to book your property if they want to book stays shorter than minim stay. This value is mandatory to provide. The Minimum stay value is used for the availability check, yet it will also be displayed in Vrbo.

Weekend pricing

Weekend pricing refers to a specific type of pricing rules that are applied on selected weekend days only. If the weekend-specific pricing is set and the reservation matches specified criteria, then the Weekend pricing will be applied instead of the Daily price.

Occupancy pricing

In Occupancy pricing, it is possible to specify pricing plans for different numbers of Extra Guests (not included in Daily price). The difference between Extra guest price and Occupancy pricing lies in fact that with Extra guest price the same price is applied for each Extra Guest. On the other hand, in Occupancy pricing it is perfectly possible to specify different prices for different numbers of Extra Guests. Note that Occupancy pricing takes precedence over Extra guest price.

Note: For Vrbo, if the Occupancy pricing is not set for a certain number of Extra Guests, then the price is calculated on the basis of the average of all Extra guest prices available for the season.
Example: The May Holidays season is set to last from 2021-04-20 to 2021-05-10 and the Occupancy pricing is set for 1, 2 and 3 guests only. If 4 guests book a stay (price for 4 guests is not specified!), then all the Extra guest prices within the May Holidays season will be used to calculate the average.

Complimentary topics


Discounts are applied in order to deduct certain amount from the price, provided the specified requirements are met by the reservation. Currently, there are two types of discounts:

LOS discount may be applied when criteria specified for the length of stay are met. For example, LOS discount may apply only for 3-days stays. Last-minute discount on the other hand is applied if the reservation is made within the specified time before the check-in day. 

Be aware, that the Daily price model uses data from two types of discounts: LOS discount and Last-minute discount. For LOS pricing model, only data from LOS discount is shared with Vrbo.


Calendar stands for the property's availability to rent. You can check here the availability of your property in the selected time frames. Once a reservation is inserted in Rentals United, the availability in the calendar gets blocked for this period. The calendar is updated automatically every time the availability of the property changes or at predefined times to remain up-to-date.

For Vrbo, however, with each availability change, new availability is sent for the next 1096 days. For more information on the frequency, please see Data synchronization.

Preparation Time Before Arrival

PTBA stands for Preparation Time Before Arrival. It is a general keyword to describe the minimum time a booking has to be made in advance in order to be accepted by the PM. The dates restricted by PTBA are normally set as not available already in the calendar. Hence, the PTBA data is already applied in availability and sent to the channel within the ARI data. The PTBA in Rentals United blocks the availability x hours from 23:59 PM of the day of arrival on the property's local timezone. For example if the PTBA is set to 6 hours, bookings will be accepted until 6:00 PM of the day of arrival, after 6:00 PM the calendar will be closed. If the PTBA is set to 24 hours, bookings will be accepted until 23:59 PM before the day of arrival, after that the calendar will be closed.

The PTBA-blocked period is shared with Vrbo in a dedicated field. Then, Vrbo is responsible for applying the PTBA restrictions on top of the availability they receive from Rentals United. Note that Vrbo requires PTBA in the day format, hence Rentals United needs to do some calculations. The PTBA might be slightly different in Vrbo comparing to Rentals United.

Example: PTBA calculation for Vrbo

PTBA in Rentals United: 24 hours

Vrbo: 24 / 24 = 1 day

PTBA in Rentals United: 32 hours

Vrbo: 32 / 24 = 1.34 days ~ 2 days

For detailed description of how PTBA works, please see the chapter in Rentals United: User Guide.

Changeover restrictions

Changeover restrictions specify whether check-in or check-out is allowed for a given day. This is a great option if you need the guests checking in and out to fit your schedule and it will help you avoid unexpected guests. If some days are restricted from changeovers, then your guests will simply not be able to select such a stay if the start or end day falls on a changeover-restricted day. If some days are set not to allow guests to Check-in or Check-out, then this information is pushed in the ARI data. Any booking that has a changeover selected for the blocked days will be rejected.


Tax refers to mandatory charges legally levied on particular types of goods, services and transactions, paid as a contribution to the state’s revenue, for example VAT or city tax.

Rentals United tax typeVrbo tax type
Local taxAdministrative
Tourist taxAdministrative
Goods and services taxAdministrative
Important: For the GET and TAT information, please see Licence number.
Note: We do not send optional taxes to Vrbo.
Note: Vrbo requires the tax name to be maximum 64 characters long. If your taxes have longer names, note that we will cut them to match this requirement.
Note: Taxable fees are supported for Vrbo. If you apply tax on fees in Rentals United, this configuration will be properly sent to Vrbo and reflected on their side.


Fee refers to mandatory or optional charges paid in exchange for particular services. These include:
  • Charges for additional services, for example Internet access or shuttle.

  • Fees defined by local governments that do not fall into the tax category, for example environmental fees.

After being reviewed, charges are mapped between Rentals United and Vrbo.

Table 1: Fees mapping for users who joined before 2021-07-31
Rentals United fee typeRentals United IDVrbo fee type
Air-conditioning Fee16Air-conditioning
Airport Shuttle Fee19Transportation
Bed Linen Fee8Linens (bed)
Booking Fee35Administrative
Children Extra Fee40Administrative
Cleaning Fee41Administrative
Club Card Fee26Club
Conservation Fee27Administrative
Credit Card Fee28On-site payment method
Destination Fee37Administrative
Electricity Fee7Electricity
Environment Fee39Administrative
Extra Bed Fee38Additional bed
Gas Fee9Gas
Heating Fee15Heating
Housekeeping Fee18Administrative
Internet Fee30Administrative
Kitchen Linen Fee17Linens
Linen Package Fee14Linens
Oil Fee10Oil
Parking Fee31Parking
Resort Fee34Resort
Sea Plane Fee21Transportation
Service Fee33Administrative
Shuttle Boat Fee20Transportation
Ski Pass22Administrative
Tourism Fee36Administrative
Towels Fee6Linens (bath)
Transfer Fee13Administrative
Visa Support Fee24On-site payment method
Water Park Fee25Administrative
Water Usage Fee12Administrative
Wood Fee11Wood
Wristband Fee23Administrative
NoteRentals United changes the way fees are synchronized with Vrbo. Users that have joined Rentals United after 2021-07-31 follow mappings from the Fees mapping for users who joined after 2021-07-31 table.
Table 2: Fees mapping for users who joined after 2021-07-31
Rentals United fee typeRentals United IDVrbo fee type
Air-conditioning Fee16


Airport Shuttle Fee19Transportation
Bed Linen Fee8Linens (bed)
Booking Fee35Booking
Children Extra Fee40Management
Cleaning Fee41Cleaning
Club Card Fee26Club
Conservation Fee27Consumption
Credit Card Fee28On-site payment method
Destination Fee37Administrative
Electricity Fee7Electricity
Environment Fee39Administrative
Extra Bed Fee38Additional bed
Gas Fee9Gas
Heating Fee15Heating
Housekeeping Fee18Daily cleaning
Insurance32Waiver damage
Internet Fee30Internet
Kitchen Linen Fee17Linens
Linen Package Fee14Linens
Oil Fee10Oil
Parking Fee31Parking
Resort Fee34Resort
Sea Plane Fee21Transportation
Service Fee33Administrative
Shuttle Boat Fee20Transportation
Ski Pass22Consumption
Tourism Fee36Administrative
Towels Fee6Linens (bath)
Transfer Fee13Transportation
Visa Support Fee24On-site payment method
Water Park Fee25Consumption
Water Usage Fee12Water
Wood Fee11Wood
Wristband Fee23Consumption

Note: Percentage fees handling

  • For clients that joined Rentals United before 2021-07-31, if a fee is calculated as Percentage, then it is calculated from the rent value only.

  • For clients that joined Rentals United after 2021-07-31, if a fee is calculated as Percentage, then its value is calculated from charges with lower orders (rent and fees, but not taxes) and applied in order it has.

    Note, it is not possible to send a Percentage fee if it is calculated from the tax value (even if it is a flat).

Note: Pet fees are sent to Vrbo only if they have the following calculation types.

  • Amount per stay (FlatPerStay)

  • Amount per night (FixedPerDay)

  • Amount per week (FixedAmountPerWeek)

  • Amount per person & stay (FixedAmountPerPerson)

  • Amount per person & night (FixedAmountPerPersonPerDay)

Bear in mind that Rentals United reservation processing does not handle pets in reservation, therefore if pets are passed in the booking request, this fee is not calculated by Rentals United or sent to PMS while checking the price.

Note: Calculation types supported for Vrbo

  • CumulativePercentage (API)
  • Percentage (UI) IndependentPercentage (API)

  • Amount per stay (UI) FlatPerStay (API)

  • Amount per person & stay (UI) FixedAmountPerPerson (API)

  • Amount per person & day (UI) FixedAmountPerPersonPerDay (API)

  • Amount per person & week (UI) FixedAmountPerPersonPerWeek (API)

  • Amount per week (UI) FixedAmountPerWeek (API)

  • Amount per day (UI) FixedPerDay (API)

Note: Optional fees are not sent to Vrbo.
Note: Collection time information is not sent to Vrbo. All fees are sent to Vrbo as charged upon booking.
Note: Vrbo requires the fee name to be maximum 64 characters long. If your fees have longer names, note that we will cut them to match this requirement.

Down payment

Down payment is a mandatory or optional charge the guest needs to pay to confirm the reservation at this property. The outstanding balance will be charged upon the guest’s arrival.

Down payment settings are not fully customizable in Step 5: Price and availability, as Vrbo expects to have this information set in Account Settings.

For Vrbo, there are two ways to set the Down payment.

  • During the Connecting to Vrbo or Establishing connection procedure, you are prompted to select one of the available Down payment policies.

  • Down payment policy can be specified any time in the Account Settings.

Note: The Down payment policy set in Account Settings takes precedence over the one set in the Connection Wizard. Hence, if you completed the Connection Wizard with incorrect or no Down payment policy, it is still possible to set it. Nonetheless, if no policy is set in Account Settings, mind that whatever was set in the Connection Wizard will be applied.

In Account Settings, the you can decide whether Down payment should be enabled or not. If enabled, note that it will be identical for all your properties advertised on Vrbo. Then, it is possible to define at least minimum 2 and maximum 5 levels of Down payment policy.

  1. In Rentals United platform, go to the Services tab.

  2. Click the My services tab.

  3. Type the Vrbo name in the search box or scroll down through the list of available channels.

  4. Unfold the Vrbo section by clicking the Down arrow button.

  5. Click the Account Settings button.

  1. Select the Custom Payment Schedule option. By default, the setting is disabled.

  2. Enable the Custom Payment Schedule option. Specify the percentage of the total price to be paid upon booking.

    Note: The outstanding percentage to be paid upon arrival is updated automatically.
  3. If needed, add more levels to the Custom Payment Schedule. Click the Add another rule button. Provide the percentage and the number of days before the arrival when the payment must be made.

    Note: It is possible to have maximum 5 rules defined for Vrbo.
  4. Click the Save button.

Security deposit

Security deposit is a mandatory or optional refundable charge the guest needs to pay to cover for potential property damages.

Security deposit information is sent to Vrbo, but Vrbo will not charge it. If you want the security deposit to be collected, make sure to charge the guest with the security deposit from the client outside the Vrbo connection, e.g. Stripe, transfer or other method.


Currency in Rentals United is a fixed value, usually established on the basis of the property location.

For Vrbo, however, the currency is fixed and assigned to your account. For all properties within one account, the currency will be converted to the one that have been chosen during the Connection Wizard completion. For more information, please see Establishing connection or Establishing connection.

If needed, the currency for Vrbo may be altered, yet this requires Vrbo participation. Please, contact Rentals United Helpdesk or Vrbo. Contact information can be found in the Contact details chapter.